Sunday 11 July 2010

Time and tide wait for no man

My goodness - has it really been over three months since I last wrote here? In my defence, I have to say that ever since I came back from New Zealand, it's been totally crazy busy at work, and I've just not felt the inclination to put my thoughts down. I've been reading - I doubt there will be a time when I ever give that up - but when it comes down to a choice between reading and writing, the former won hands down every time.

So, to ease me back into the swing of things, I shall post some photos of the past few months. It's been so lovely, weather wise, the past few months, that there have been quite a few outings!

So - firstly there is New Zealand - These are the mountains of Queenstown, looking suitably Lord of the Rings-y

Here is Mum and I drinking the best wine I've ever tasted!

And this was taken on top of the Franz Josef Glacier!
Back in the UK, I saw Julie Andrews on stage - she's the one in the middle (I was very far away!)
Simon introduced me to this marvel. I've been there three times, and love it!
And here we are, enjoying cake in the sunshine

The weather has been wonderful for the past month or so, and Somerville has been looking particularly beautiful.
And I bought myself the most fabulous 50s dress ever. Here I am testing the wonder that is a two layered petticoat.

Of course there has been much reading, and I have fallen in love with a couple of authors, but more on that later. I fancy a stroll down the river now ....


Thomas Hogglestock said...

What a wonderful three months you have had even if we are only getting to hear about it now. The pictures of NZ are amazing.

Elaine said...

I visited NZ many years ago and thought it was one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen. I am off to Oz next year to visit my daughter and will be there a month so if I have time I may nip across to NZ. If not, then I definitely plan to revisit on my next sojourn in Australia. I lived and worked there many moons ago and cannot wait to go back and now that my lovely daughter is there I have even more reason to go.

Welcome back!

lyn said...

Welcome back. I can't wait to see what you've been reading.

Peta said...

Fab summary and well worth the break in blogging!

Is that Jane's Tea's? I'm (for the first time) heading up to near Oxford this weekend and really want to visit - any navigational assistance much appreciated!

GlassCurls said...

Peta - it's a bit tricky to get to. If you have a satnav, then find the postcode for oxford arms, Kirtlington and use that as a guide. It's just a bit further on, on the left side of the village green and up a lane that looks like it goes nowhere helpful. The Kirtlington Quarry in down that lane too. Hope that helps!