Sunday 1 June 2008

My first meme

I have been tagged by stuckinabook - so here we go!

1. Who’s your all-time favourite author, and why?
Oh dear - Jane Austen is my earliest love, but I think she is in a tie with Henry James, Sebastian Faulks and Evelyn Waugh. They all make comments on the social scene - but in such different ways!

2. Who was your first favourite author, and why? Do you still consider him or her among your favourites?
Oh, I used to adore Enid Blyton. It's because of her I went to boarding school. I couldn't possibly read her now!

3. Who’s the most recent addition to your list of favourite authors, and why?
I went to a literary event in March on 'Daphne' by Justine Picardie, read it, loved it, searched out all her other works and think she's a very talented and honest writer. Daphne du Maurier is also fast becoming someone whose work I love.

4. If someone asked you who your favourite authors were right now, which authors would first pop out of your mouth? Are there any you’d add on a moment of further reflection?
Right now? How long have you got? Ok - Jane Austen, Daphne du Maurier, Justine Picardie, L.M. Alcott, Colm Toibin, Ian McEwan, Sebastian Faulks. I could go one, but this list would go on all night, and I have to unstack the dishwasher and go to bed!

I tag the following people to do this too, but join in if you want, even if I haven't tagged you!
The Bookling
Geranium Cat's Bookshelf

I don't want to go to bed - the magic of the weekend will really have finished by tomorrow morning!


StuckInABook said...

Thanks for doing this! Nice to see Jane and Enid and Daphne...

GlassCurls said...

Well you can't keep a good meme down! And I'm still in a Port Eliot whirl, so had to do something!
Has my letter arrived, or did I manage to lose it between my house and the post box?

Peta said...

Thanks for the tag - not sure that I am fully happy with my answers but then I do have a tendency to over-analyse these things!

Bex said...

Great Answers! I tried to do this too!