Tuesday 3 June 2008

On board reading

Apart from deciding what clothes I'm taking, I'm having a hard time choosing the books I'm going to take.

If I were just going to New York, I'd take some short stories and a book of poems, and I might slip '84 Charing Cross Road' in as well, because letters are wonderful to read.

Having six days traversing the Atlantic thrown into the mix has set me wondering what I'm going to bring with me.

I'm certainly taking some Daphne du Maurier with me. I've found 'The Parasites' and I want to read 'The Rendezvous and Other Stories' too. With any luck 'Letters from Menabilly' will arrive before I leave.

As for others, I think I should take some Sebastian Faulks, for which I will have to raid my Father's bookshelf, and perhaps some Evelyn Waugh will be good to set the mood with.

I'm also taking my novel with me, because if I can't write on a ship, I can't write anywhere! Port Eliot has given me some good ideas for scene settings!

Does anyone have any recommendations? I want to wrap myself in other worlds as I slip slowly through the sea, passing over the mouldering wreck of Titanic, two miles below me.


Angela Young said...

What a strange coincidence ... or not? ... that you should leave comments on my blog as I research my second novel - inspired by my great-grandmother's survival of the sinking of RMS Titanic - and you about to embark. (The connection being ships and your mention of Titanic ... not the sinking of.)

And if I was being ludicrously bold (I am about to be) I would suggest that you add my first novel to your on-board reading bag. It's called Speaking of Love and covers some of the same - although modern - territory as Human Traces. It also addresses what happens to people who love each other but don't say so.

Have you revealed anywhere what your own novel is about? Or are you doing that wise thing and not talking about it, but writing it?

GlassCurls said...

It is strange (or fate)! But I love connections like that!

I'll go looking for your book - which sounds really interesting - before I leave. It's such a strain deciding what I want to take!

I've not blogged about my novel as yet. I've been meaning to, but like so many things, I've not had time!

Peta said...

Have you read Engleby by Sebastian Faulks yet? I've not as yet (although plan to!) but it might be a good excuse to buy it! Of course, you could also leave your reading to chance and rely on the ship library. Not sure I'd be brave enough but it could be interesting!

GlassCurls said...

I have read Engleby! And I have to say that after 'Human Traces' it's a very strange transition. Good though!

No, I'm not brave enough to leave it to chance - although no doubt I'll end up taking something out. They have a bookshop too - heaven help me!

Juxtabook said...

My parents have just come back from the Queen Victoria and my mother got lots of writing done. I think a ship must be a great place to write.

GlassCurls said...

It seems the perfect place to me! Good to know other people have found so too.

Elaine SL said...

May I recommend
Resistance by Owen Shears
Needle in the Blood by Sarah bower (if you like historical novels)
The Enchanted April - Elizabeth von Arnim
Miss Pettigrew lives for a Day - Watson

Re the Titanic - my grandmother was due to go but decided not to as she was pregnant with my mum (born in 1912) she would not have survived if she had gone and even worse I WOULD NOT BE HERE!!!!

GlassCurls said...

Wow Elaine! That's a lucky chain of events. Thanks for the book recommendations :-)