Monday 18 May 2009

Retail Therapy

I needed to cheer myself up after work, and thanks to a friend who, forgetting she'd already given me a birthday present, refused to take her second cheque back, I popped into Blackwells on my way home and indulged myself.

Firstly I bought A.S. Byatt's 'The Children's Book'. I've been a bit wary of her work, as although I think 'Possession' is amazing, I've never been able to get through the diary section, and have given up twice in the same spot. However, it has been recommended fervently by Dovegreyreader, so I shall give it a chance, even if A.S. Byatt is a literary snob about Harry Potter ('
Ms Rowling's magic world has no place for the numinous. It is written for people whose imaginative lives are confined to TV cartoons and the exaggerated (more exciting, not threatening) mirror-worlds of soaps, reality TV and celebrity gossip') Humph.

Secondly I bought Mark Bostridge's new biography of Florence Nightingale. I heard him speak about this at the Oxford Literary Festival, but didn't buy it, as it was only out in hardback at the time, and I had to choose between it and Penelope Fitzgerald's letters.

So, I feel a bit better now, and am taking myself to bed to delve into a book - not sure which one yet though!


Cornflower said...

Happy reading!

sunflowerinrain said...

Oh, that's reminded me I want to read some Byatt! Maybe her short stories would be an easier introduction?

I love, and concur with, her pronouncement on the Potter books ;)

GlassCurls said...

You are mean! And it's evidently not true, because a lot of well read people read Harry Potter ....

Her short stories probably would be easier to dip into, and get to know her style!

Lorraine S. said...

Enjoy your blog. Just read The Knox Brothers about Penelope Fitzgeralds accomplished brothers. Enjoyed it.