Monday 27 September 2010

Eight Bloggers walk into a pub ....

It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but in actually fact eight bloggers did walk into a pub (Far From the Madding Crowd in Oxford to be precise) and had an enjoyable few hours merrily chatting.

I'd been unable to attend the previous bloggers meet up in May, so was quite excited about this one, particularly as it gave me a chance to show off my lovely home town. (Not quite devoid of tourists now, but about as close as we'll ever get!).

The afternoon started off with a small group of us meeting in Blackwells, and then pottering about Oxford. We spent an hour in the lovely Ashmolean, before heading off the quirky Albion Beatnik bookshop, and a quick trip into Somerville college.

After that we headed off to the pub and were joined by a few more bloggers. Sadly quite a few people discovered they couldn't make it, but I still think a good time was had by all who did turn up, and it was lovely to be able to put faces to the words.

I'm looking forward to the next meetup - whenever it might be. We might even be brave and head a bit further north .....


Anonymous said...

They couldn't make it as Bloggers? Or they just couldn't make it to the pub?

GlassCurls said...

They couldn't make it to the pub .... didn't think about possible ambiguity there!

StuckInABook said...

Yes, it was great fun!

Dark Puss said...

I probably can't make it as a "blogger"!

It was a very nice evening indeed. I propose, selfishly of course, Edinburgh or Perth or Aberdeen for "further north" or Geneva for further east.

Very pleased to have met you.

GlassCurls said...

Dark Puss: My apologies, but 'Seven bloggers and one weblogger walk into a pub' didn't have the same ring :-)

Dark Puss said...

No apology needed! Amazed you can remember my quirks!

Silly old cat