Thursday 2 April 2020

Starting up again

Blogging .... a thing I did with great fervour for a number of years and now just think of as something I should do, but never actually get around to.

I have been on Coronavirus working from home, then lockdown, for over two weeks now, and I've been saying 'I must get back to the blog' pretty much every day. I wanted to have something wise and thought provoking to start off with, but like every phone call I've had in recent days, I can't think of a single thing to say that is not .... well, this is weird eh?

So, I've decided it doesn't matter. This is me, starting up the blog again, inviting people to chip in and say hello, and planning more interesting things to say in the future. 

I've created a google doc with all the online things I found to occupy us at the moment, as well as useful links for shopping, and supporting others in need. It's here - feel free to add to it, and share it as you like.

That's it for now. Wholy uninspiring, and not much content, but it's a start.

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