Sunday 10 August 2008

Halfway to the end

Some of you may remember that my father issued me a challenge to read 100 books this year.

I am very proud to announce that today I went over the half way point. So now I have four more months to read 49 books. Here is what I have read so far:

Julie: The Great American Mousical
Paul: The Book of Illusions
Geraldine: March*
Agatha: The Body in the Library
Delafield, E.M.: The Diary of a Provincial Lady*
Delaney, Frank: Ireland*"
Denny, Joanna: Anne Boleyn
Diamant, Anita: The Red Tent
Diliberto, Gioia: I am Madame X*"
Du Maurier, Daphne: Jamaica Inn
Du Maurier, Daphne: The Rebecca Notebook
Du Maurier, Daphne: My Cousin Rachel*"
Faulks, Sebastian: Human Traces*"
Faulks, Sebastian: Engleby*"
Ferguson, Rachel: The Brontes went to Woolworths*
Fforde, Jasper: The Well of Lost Plots
Fforde, Jasper: Lost in a good book
Fforde, Jasper: Something Rotten
Gardam, Jane: A Long way from Verona
Garfield, Simon: Mauve
Garner, Helen: The Spare Room*
Graeme Evans, Posie: The Innocent
Greene, Grahame: The End of the Affair*
Gregory, Philippa: Earthly Joys
Gregory, Philippa: The Boleyn Inheritance
Harris, Joanne: Chocolat
James, Henry: The turn of the screw
Joews, Miriam: A Boy of Good Breeding
Jones, Lloyd: The Book of Fame*
Jones, Lloyd: Mister Pip
Lewis, C.S.: Surprised by Joy
Long, James: Ferney*
Lovell, Mary S.: A Scandalous Life
Lustig, Arnost: Lovely Green Eyes
Mills, Mark: The Savage Garden*
Mitford, Jessica: Hons and Rebels
Nabokov,Vladimir: Lolita
Ondaatje, Michael: The English Patient
Picardie, Justine: If the Spirit Moves You*
Picardie, Justine: Daphne*"
Picardie, Justine: My Mother's Wedding dress*"
Picardie, Ruth: Before I Say Goodbye*
Rappaport, Helen: Ekaterinberg*
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Letters to a Young Poet
Suskind, Patrick: Perfume*"
Taylor, Elizabeth: Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont
Treves, Sir Frederick: The Elephant Man
Weir, Alison: Innocent Traitor
Weldon, Fay: Letters to Alice*
Williams, Kate: England's Mistress*

So, there we go. The ones with * are the ones I've really loved, and the ones with " are ones I intend to write about soon. I am currently reading 'The Behaviour of Moths', The collected letters of Nicholas and Alexandra Romanov, 'Growing Pains' by Daphne du Maurier and 'The Decameron' by Boccaccio, which my Father declares I must read or my education will be lacking. Hmm.

Think I can make it to 100 by December 31st?


Karen said...

Congratulations on making it past the half way mark in your 100 challenge! I am looking forward to hearing what you think about The Behaviour of Moths - it is one I have been thinking about reading.

GlassCurls said...

I'm certainly finding it interesting so far - and I love the cover too!

offmytrolley said...

Well you are ahead of me by five books!

GlassCurls said...

It's good to know others are attempting this too! Good luck Wendy!

offmytrolley said...

I don't think I will manage 100 but if I pass last year's total (62) I'll be happy.

Mrs of the Regiment said...

Sounds like you are making good progress on the challenge. Congratulations. Good to hear that you are enjoying the process too:)