Saturday 30 August 2008

Quite without willpower

I have been quite reckless this afternoon. As you would expect it has to do with buying books I don't need.

I think it stems from my trip to Paris. I was greatly looking forward to visiting the Shakespeare and Co bookshop, and I managed to search it out, only to find that it was not entirely what I had expected. The lower floor was far more ordered and actually full of new books .... new books? I thought it was supposed to be a second hand shop. Well, in part it is, as can be seen by the picture above, complete with piano playing shop-goer! The upper floor was full of old and wonderful books, but they weren't for sale. You could read them, but not take away, which was such a pity. Therefore I came away with two small trifles, and not the hoard that I had anticipated!

So - therefore, out I went today, and came home with err 4 Agathe Christie's; 2 Jean Plaidy's; a Georgette Heyer, whom I've never read; a Gertrude Stein and the latest Philippa Gregory, which was being sold half price.

It's a never ending cycle, although one which I don't intend to break anytime soon!


GQ said...

What a splurge! Totally justified really, Shakespeare & Co was on poor form, and you need your fix!

GlassCurls said...

You really aren't at all helpful Gem! You've seen my shelves, so I don't know why you say I need my fix!!!!