Monday 29 December 2008

End of year round up

I have stolen (gasp) a meme from Simon - here goes!

- How many books read in 2008?
So far 83, although I have a sneaking suspicion I've not updated my spreadsheet recently ...

- Fiction/Non-Fiction ratio?
70 fiction/ 13 non fiction - which surprises me!

- Male/Female authors?
39 women/26 men

Favourite book read?
Well, that's answered in the post below this one, so I won't repeat myself!

Least favourite?
I think 'The Ressurectionist' by James Bradley and 'Mauve' by Simon Garfield. The former very grisly and not helped by a first person narrative, the second just interminably dull.

Oldest read?
I think it must be 'The Elephant Man' by Frederick Treves, but I can't lay my hands on it at this moment to tell you the publish date. It's leather bound though, and I picked it up in Blackwell's second hand department.

Quite a few this year, including 'Daphne', 'Becoming Queen', 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' and others!

Longest book title?
'Oscar Wilde and the Candlelight Murders' by Giles Brandreth - surprisingly good.

Shortest title?
'March' - Geraldine Brooks

How many re-reads?
Absolutely none - which was my aim this year, and shall continue to be so, until I read all the books I possess (Which at current reckonings of one a week will take me roughly eight years ....)

Most books read by one author this year?
Daphne du Maurier leads the field with six, closely followed by Agathe Christie with five and a tie between Justine Picardie and Philippa Gregory with three each.

Any in translation?
'Lovely green eyes' by Arnost Lustig

And how many of this year's books were from the library?
Seven, although I do have three waiting to be read that need to go back soon enough!

So, there we are .... I wonder how similar my answers will be next year?!


offmytrolley said...

I managed 69 which is probably the most I've read in a year ever!
Happy Reading in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting, I like these questions. I'm off to look at my list for 2008 and come up with the answers.
