Wednesday 14 May 2008

Books in 2008

My father issued me with a challenge just after new year: 'Thou shalt read one hundred books this year'.

Now, to those whose blogs I have just started reading, this may not seem like a huge number, but I'm used to reading a big pile during term time, and then hopelessly slacking through the holidays. Now I am in full time employment, I spend every spare minute reading - apart from those times when I'm writing my undoubtably unpublishable novel!

To start this blog off on the right foot, I am going to list the books I have read this year so far (February was by far the best - I read 15 that month - and then something happened and I read very few). Anyway, without further ado, here we go. I've split them into books I own and those borrowed from the library.

Denny, Joanna: Anne Boleyn
Diamant, Anita: The Red Tent
Faulks, Sebastian: Human Traces *
Faulks, Sebastian: Engleby
Ferguson, Rachel: The Brontes Went to Woolworths
Gardam, Jane: A Long way from Verona
Garfield, Simon: Mauve
Graeme Evans, Posie: The Innocent
Greene, Grahame: The End of the Affair *
Gregory, Philippa: Earthly Joys
Gregory, Philippa: The Boleyn Inheritance
Jones, Lloyd: Mister Pip
Lovell, Mary S.: A Scandalous Life
Lustig, Arnost: Lovely Green Eyes *
Mills, Mark: The Savage Garden *
Ondaatje, Michael: The English Patient
Picardie, Justine: Daphne *
Picardie, Ruth: Before I say Goodbye*
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Letters to a Young Poet
Suskind, Patrick: Perfume *
Weir, Alison: Innocent Traitor
Weldon, Fay: Letters to Alice on Reading Jane Austen
Williams, Kate: England's Mistress

Harris, Joanne: Chocolat
Delaney, Frank: Ireland *
Lewis, C.S.: Surprised by Joy
Fforde, Jasper: The Well of Lost Plots
Fforde, Jasper: Lost in a good book
Fforde, Jasper: Something Rotten

At the moment I'm reading 'Jamaica Inn' and 'The Infernal World of Branwell Bronte' both by Daphne du Maurier. I'm struggling a bit with the latter, because it's such fantastic weather out, and one simply cannot read about the wilds of Yorkshire in such heat. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, perhaps that will set me in the mood!

I was thinking of writing my thoughts on some of these books (especially those with *'s - which are my favourites so far) ... but I shall see how it goes!

I'm watching '84 Charing Cross Road' at the moment. I adore both the film and the book - in fact I have two copies of it, and am seriously tempted to buy the new Virago Modern Classic birthday edition. But I won't. I couldn't possibly. Methinks the lady doth protest too much!


StuckInABook said...

100 books is my aim this year, too... managed eighty-something last year, I think, but that included finals etc. On 51 so far this yr, so think I might make it!

I've been meaning to read The Brontes book for ages, look forward to hearing what you thought about it.

Loved your alphabet of books on mistressdickens - Helene Hanff, Dodie Smith, Woolf, Austen, Chopin, Eliot, Rowling - love 'em all!

GlassCurls said...

51 so far ... that's pretty impressive!

I shall make The Bronte's went to Woolworths my first 'thoughts blog' ... the challenge will be the greater, as I'm actually giving it to Justine tomorrow!!!

BooksPlease said...

I found your blog from Simon's blog.

I read 98 books last year, but this year I've not been reading as many, 32 so far.

I have both the Faulks' books you've read, so I'll be interested to read what you thought about them. From the * I gather you preferred Human Traces?

GlassCurls said...

I loved Human Traces - although I was exhausted after reading it. It was funny to find out when Sebastian Faulks was at the Literary festival after Easter that it had taken him five years to write, whilst it took me five DAYS to read!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the book blogging world! I, too, found your blog through Simon's. It looks like we have similar taste in books.

I have always considered myself a fast reader but 100 books seems daunting. I look forward to watching your progress!

GlassCurls said...

Hello! Thanks - I hope to make it, but a few below would by no means diminish my efforts! I look forward to reading your blog too!

dovegreyreader said...

Bit late for the blog-warming party but welcome the blog world Oxford Reader! I loved England's Mistress and can' wait for Kate's next book. Now I'm off to read your post on Justine's talk which looks fascinating.

GlassCurls said...

'England's Mistress' set me off on a hunt for things to do with Emma Hamilton. It was just my luck that at the time of reading it I came across three prints (two colour) of George Romney portraits!
Whenever I get hooked on the subject of a book it invariably leads me to buying things to do with them, as evidenced now with my Daphne obsession!

GQ said...

Refrain from reading Marquis de Sade in which case; I would hate to think what one would purchase in relation to The 120 days of Sodom!!

GlassCurls said...

I'm sure it would give me some good ideas of how to deal with people in the office though ....