Monday 16 June 2008

I just can't help myself

Only two days back from hoilday and I've already purchased four books.

- The Constant Gardner - John le Carre
- Notes from an Exhibition - Patrick Gale
- The Seven Sisters - Margaret Drabble
- Speaking of Love - Angela Young (didn't take it on holiday Angela, there simply wasn't room!)

I'm looking forward to all of them, in different ways.


Angela Young said...

Thank you so much for buying Speaking of Love - I look forward to hearing what you feel about it.

And I love those reading photographs on the blog before this one. I don't think ebooks will ever make it - do you? the book book is just too clever to be beaten.

GlassCurls said...

I really hope e-books flop like a whale on a power trip. But then, I'm a very tactile person. I like holding pictures in my hands, and flicking pages between my fingers. I made sure to get a couple of pictures of me reading on board ship too!