Sunday 29 June 2008

What do your bookshelves say about YOU?

I had a film to use up recently, and so took a variety of pictures of books.

So: Should anyone doubt my logic in refusing to buy any books in the next two months, just see how many I bought between coming back from holiday and instigating the ban ...

And then, because I still needed to take more pictures, I took a few of my bookshelves:
As you can probably see, they're not very tidy. And yes, there are four Barbies waving in the first one ... I used to have over 20, and I keep these so my nieces have something to play with. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Something else noticeable is the fact they are starting to get double stacked ... I am fast running out of space. Perhaps now is the time to leave home and build a library?

Anyway, that's my world of books - what does your world tell the universe?


Anonymous said...

Good Lord at the tomes !!!

GlassCurls said...

Uh, yeah ... I like my big books me!

Anonymous said...

and more books
and so little time.

GlassCurls said...

Tell me about it! If I never bought any books again, and read one a week, I'd have enough to keep me going for seven years!

Juliet said...

I love the books/Barbie combo - my younger daughter would feel at home in your house! I went mad photographing my shelves last winter: . After I'd posted them people pointed out various things they'd spotted and I rushed back rather urgently to check what else was in the pics that I hadn't noticed before. Had I embarrassed myself? What had I inadvertently revealed?!!

More recently, I've uploaded lots of bookshelves to, which is a fascinating place to nose around other peoples' shelves and see how un/tidy they are!!

Blue Floppy Hat said...

As the owner of an overflowing bookshelf in a poky little college room (contents spill into my bed, desk and wardrobe with alarming regularity), I envy the space you've got.
I loved The Magic Toyshop no end when I first read it nine years ago (I was fourteen then, and Melanie fascinated me no end)- though I then forgot its name and only rediscovered it after googling 'Melanie Finn swan'.

GlassCurls said...

I used to have a pokey room in college too - you could never see the floor, because there were so many books about (and clothes etc, but the less said the better).
I remember seeing a production of The Magic Toyshop in Oxford when I was about 15, I've been dying to read it ever since!

Bellezza said...

Oh, that's such a good question "What does your world tell the universe?" My world has to be organized and tidy, or I feel out of control. But, there's never enough room for one's books, is there? I suspect that's a good thing. It's so nice to meet you. I'm here from Harry's blog.

GlassCurls said...

I think you can tell that my world is totally disorganised ...!
Great to see you on here - make sure you visit the draw post - the more names the merrier!

StuckInABook said...

Oo, Margaret Laurence and Christina Stead... liked The Stone Angel, and been meaning to read some CS...

Josette said...

I have lots of books that have no bookshelves to rest in, too! Gotta learn to stop buying more than what I can read. :)

GlassCurls said...

Is it actually possible to do that? It's something I never hope to learn!