Thursday 25 September 2008

Being wantonly promiscuous

I have just been over to Cornflower's blog, and have been inspired to talk about my TBR pile, because the phrase 'some of us are profligate and wantonly promiscuous where books are concerned' jumped out at me and made me laugh.

I am nothing if not wanton, and I have some extremely profligate plans this coming week.

I really don't know where to start with my pile. I mean, is it just the few that I've earmarked as needing to be read this month, or does it mean all the books on my shelves that are still unread? I did a little calculation recently and discovered that if I read a book a week, I would have at least enough books to keep me going for SEVEN years. I'll leave everyone to do the maths themselves.

It's not that I don't want to read the books that have been languishing on my shelves unread for months and years, I do. I REALLY do. It's just that whenever I think, ooh - that book might be good to read after the current one, I invariably walk into a shop (charity or proper bookshop) and come out laden with absolute MUSTS!

I won't be helping matters this coming week either. My parents are off to Turkey for the week, so I've taken the week off too. On Saturday I'm going to London with a friend, and in between lunching at the National Portrait Gallery and having afternoon tea at Flemings Mayfair, we are hitting the second hand department in Foyles.

Yes, this is dangerous, if not for my bank balance, then for my back!

Also, I've got a trip here planned. Simon has been giving it the big thumbs up for ages now, and I really want a Persephone book. So who knows how big my TBR pile will be then!

In conclusion, I find I cannot give you a list of things about to be read. It's totally impossible. I should read some more non fiction, because it's been a bit lacking these past few months, but at the moment I have Les Miserables, Daniel Deronda, Cold Comfort Farm, and Murder in the Vicarage on the go ... what is a promiscuous bookworm to do?

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