Friday 26 September 2008

Job prospects

This has absolutely nothing to do with books (at least not as far as I can see), but I just wanted to let you all know that in the next couple of weeks I have three (!) job interviews.

Only one of them falls during my week off, but that can't be helped. I'm very excited and terrified at the same time - they are all things I want to do, and will stop me feeling completely useless, so they can't go wrong - too much depends on them!


Jodie Robson said...

Lots and lots of good wishes for the interviews, I'll keep my fingers crossed. Better stay out of the Persephone Bookshop while you're in London - my finances took a considerable dent when I visited. All those restrained grey covers are just too tempting, like a glimpse of a well-turned of ankle to a respectable Victorian.

GlassCurls said...

I do like a well turned ankle ...