Tuesday 9 September 2008

Booker shortlist announced

The date had completely escaped my notice, and it was only when I got an email telling me so that I remembered that the shortlist was to be announced today.

Here it is:

Aravind Adiga The White Tiger (Atlantic)
Sebastian Barry The Secret Scripture(Faber and Faber)
Amitav Ghosh Sea of Poppies (John Murray)
Linda Grant The Clothes on Their Back (Virago)
Philip Hensher The Northern Clemency (Fourth Estate)
Steve Toltz A Fraction of the Whole (Hamish Hamilton)

I have to say that I'm surprised - the fact Rushdie is not on the list just goes to prove my theory that his books are an automatic selection, and not to do with merit, but it is interesting to see what has made it. Looking forward to seeing who wins, and I know this will give renewed fervour to DGR's campaign for Philip Hensher!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am pleased that A Fraction of the Whole made it. It was my favorite of the long-listers I read, and the only one to be short-listed. The Rushdie is a good read, but I'm kind of glad to see his books don't just automatically make the cut. I was rather rooting for The Lost Dog, but I can't say it deserved any other book's place (only because I haven't read the others).