Sunday 21 September 2008

Dogs and such ...

Justine's latest article on what to read has put me in mind of my own canine friend, and although it's been a few years since he died, I still come home expecting a bounding mound of brown fir to greet me. So, here's a picture of the dear old thing:

The upside down Tiger is Fearful - one of six animals my father bought from Hamleys when my two sisters had the last of their children nine years ago ... I think it says a lot for Morgan that he's not attempting to chew the head off, many of my stuffed animals bear the marks of his love ...


Anonymous said...

What a sweet face. Our boy, Squire, passed away last summer and I miss him every day. Even though he was almost 11 and getting quite grey he was always "my puppy". Squire's stuffed animals didn't see out the month!

GlassCurls said...

I don't think dogs every really grow up in their hearts!

Anonymous said...

Your last point is precisely why my Bears will not let me have a dog. I tell them he would love them to bits, but as they point out, that is exactly what they're worried about!

GlassCurls said...

Many of my animals bear scars. Bert the bear has only one ear; Snowy the polar bear lived for a few years with his head hanging on by a thread until I found someone to perform reconstructive surgery; one of my dolphins was distincly lacking in fins after Morgan has his way with it, and my father's bear - Wonk - now definitely lives up to his name as he only has one and a half legs.